Friday, January 7, 2011

keLakarNya FaCebOOk oraNg zaMaN duLu-dULu.. (FuNNY!):p

Just want to share jokes from my friends who email it to me. So funny and makes me laughing whole day when read about it.... Kehkeh... Lets see how people in the years before we born using facebook! Thumbs up to the creator of this very funny things!:)

Cik Mesya: Ketawa dan senyuman boleh jadi awet muda tau! So, smile always...:)


  1. hehe.. Thanks. Absolutely fun. I'm happy to make other peoples happy too.:)

  2. @fadhdeela, camne nak link kan blog kita dlm komen ek? boleh tunjuk ajar tak? huhu

  3. haha...ini ketua fasilitator saya..dia memang best!hahaha...ini blog dia

  4. owh okeys..:) thanks for land here.. hehe


Terima kasih atas kesudian anda memberikan pendapat positif anda. InsyaAllah Misya akan membalas komen bernas anda jika berkelapangan. Mana-mana komen berbentuk provokatif, hinaan, kutukan, berbaur lucah atau boleh menjatuhkan maruah seseorang akan direject dan dilaporkan kepada pihak berkuasa. Sekian.

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