Aku mungkin agak ketinggalan sebab jarang sangat ambil tahu. Tapi kalau satu-satu lagu tu aku dengar then terus nak dengar lagi sekali, memang aku suka sangat-sangat. huhu.. First tengok video klip lagu ni, terus jatuh hati! huhu...@_@
Fiction by kumpulan K-POP "Beast"...
Sangat suka!! Selalu kalau tengok video klip K-Pop mesti dari awal sampai habis menari je kerjanya. hehe.. Yang ni ada diselitkan unsur dramatik sikit. Ala-ala love story yang menyedihkan. Lagu nya pun tak heavy sangat. Smooth je bila dengar.. Menusuk di kalbu. Hehe...Liriknya..? Aku try cari dalam versi English, Alhamdulillah jumpa. Erm agak sedih jugak maknanya.. Tetiba aku rasa sedih.. Just sharing here... Maybe ada kena mengena ngan korang?;) Or me? Wallahuallam..
Lirik lagu Fiction by Beast (English Version)
[DJ] I still can’t forget you
I still can’t trust everything
Even today I can’t send you away like this
[JH] I will rewrite it again, our story will not end
I will bury fact that reality is seeping into my skin for now
I rewrite it once again, the start beginning with you and I smiling happily
In case you will leave me, the background is a small room without an exit
[KK] I kiss you as if there is nothing wrong
I can’t leave your sweet presence
There is no such thing as an end for us
[HS] Like this again (Fiction in Fiction)
I can’t forget you (Fiction in Fiction)
I am writing the story that will never end in my heart
[YS] I will hold on to you (Fiction in Fiction)
I won’t let you go (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
Even today, I’m in the story of you and I that hasn’t ended still, in Fiction
[KK] Right now, there are only happy stores here
The very happy stories of just the two of us (Different from reality)
Is written here, it’s slowly filling up
[HS] I run towards you and embrace you
I can’t never let you go from my embrace
There is no such thing as an end for us
[DW] Like this again (Fiction in Fiction)
I can’t end it (Fiction in Fiction)
I am writing the story that will never end in my heart
[YS] I will hold on to you (Fiction in Fiction)
I won’t let you go (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
Even today, I’m in the story of you and I that hasn’t ended still, in Fiction
[YS] I will say this again, one more time
Right now you are next to me
I’m believing like that
([DW]But Fiction)
[JH] I’m the writer who lost his purpose
The end of this novel, how am I supposed to write it
([DW] My own Fiction)
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I keep writing these 3 words
([DW]Everything is Fiction) Setting the warn out pen on the old paper strained in tears ([DW]Everything is Fiction)
This story can’t be happy or sad
[DJ] Right now I’m writing such a happy story
But it is all just a wish still
[DW] I’m happy (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
[HS] We are together (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
[DW] Now is the start (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
[YS] There is no end (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
Sekali imbas dia ni macam muka Shamsul Yusof (anak Yusof Haslam)
So sweet this couple..
Cik Misya : Cinta itu indah tapi kadangkala ia menyakitkan.. (Wah tetiba jiwang-jiwang plak)